Tuesday, May 19, 2009

giver questions

question 2: Compare the relationship Jonas has with the giver to the relationship he has with his mother, father, and sister.

Jonas's relationship with his family is completely different from the average family portrayed in our normal society. their relationship is more like something required, or forced, fake, unnatural. family in the community seems to mean to have people just to discipline and guide you, no love. on the other hand, Jonas's relationship with the Giver is pure. The relationship is more like that of a normal family in our world. A grandfather to son relationship.

question 4: Explain why feelings the memories have been eliminated from jonas community.

Feelings and emotions have been eliminated from Jonas's community because that would completely ruin the point of actually constructing the community and its environment. it would totally change the idea of utopia to its exact opposite. Yes, even though there are pleasant and joyful feelings in the world, even those along with the dark emotions can change the course of the society for better and for worse. This idea would also interfere with the concept of sameness in the community. If people in the community had emotions and feelings, that would open up new doors and opportunities for each individual, which in turn, would give people different opinions, this would without a doubt lead to disagreement between each other.

question 5: How realistic is the novel? Could that society exist?

Most aspects of the novel are realistic and could exist, though there are some things that seem unrealistic such as the transfer of memories from Giver to Jonas which seems a little too "magical" for the story itself. despite this, a society such as this one--- or similar to this one---could exist, there are possibilities. I would imagine it as a government experiment of some sort.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

horror setting

the perfect setting for a horror movie would be to pick the most innocent of settings. And this goes generally for horror movies, to turn innocence into the most horrible thing possible. for example: an eerie setting would be an abandoned playground with a slight fog in the air and the sound faint sound of the swing or the see-saw creaking. Or for a less subtle horror movie, a wet underground subway would be appropriate but not the best. Also, if you had a lake setting then that would allow all sorts of horrifying opportunities...

in addition to a scary setting, for a good horror movie to really scare the audience should have some element of truth in it, and not just monsters or evil spirits. Add a little possibility in the story, make the audience think that the story could be possible in real life. try hold the audience in suspense as much as possible don't always use the element of suprise. and to top it all off to make the horror even more horrible, put the most innocent being in the center of it all, such as a little girl no more than 7 years old.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Respond to a prediction

1. In 2155, we'll have no more printed books.

No, I think I'll have to disagree on that prediction because I don't believe books can completely disappear from existence, although our use and dependence of computers and electronics will increase in general. I'm quite sure there will be at least some form of a paper printed books. And even If all books did completely vanish from mankind, I wouldn't assume it to happen so early as the year 2155. Nevertheless if this prediction was true, life would be drastically changed without a doubt. We would grow to use electronics more and more, our addiction to it would increase more than we have now, they would become a common part to the daily lives of people of all ages. The use of technology would reach to the breaking point were our lives depended on it, our lives would even be based upon it. and if this were to actually happen, it would seriously affect us negatively. It would physically and phsycologically damage the healthy minds of all people, the social standards of towns and neighborhoods would decrease all over the earth and as unbelievable as it seems, eventually, the world would become isolated from itself.


the book I am reading is "The Lord of Chaos" by Robert Jordan, and so far my favorite character is Matrim Cauthon, bsically I just liked his personality, He is never really serious about things, a troublemaker, a bad gambler, and a joker. He is also ceverly witty, and uses his talent to flirt with the girls, and used to getting what he wants, but isn't spoiled. He is literally cursed with the random memories of men long gone from the world, although this gave him the abiltiy to have skills of other men, not all those memories were good ones. Now this all together make Matrim an extremerly interesting character, that's why I chose him.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

how has blogging affected my writing and why?

blogging has affected my writing greatly in many different ways, because now when I write on my blog it isn't only read by the class or the teacher, it can be read by anyone it; it becomes public. I can more easily find out the homework if i wanted to now and further more by keeping writing on my blog I can better my typing skills (which aren't that good). also by blogging, I can write things to people like my friends or teacher and i can do it long distance meaning without being face to face with each other. And all this can be done in a fun and convenient way.