Wednesday, February 18, 2009

horror setting

the perfect setting for a horror movie would be to pick the most innocent of settings. And this goes generally for horror movies, to turn innocence into the most horrible thing possible. for example: an eerie setting would be an abandoned playground with a slight fog in the air and the sound faint sound of the swing or the see-saw creaking. Or for a less subtle horror movie, a wet underground subway would be appropriate but not the best. Also, if you had a lake setting then that would allow all sorts of horrifying opportunities...

in addition to a scary setting, for a good horror movie to really scare the audience should have some element of truth in it, and not just monsters or evil spirits. Add a little possibility in the story, make the audience think that the story could be possible in real life. try hold the audience in suspense as much as possible don't always use the element of suprise. and to top it all off to make the horror even more horrible, put the most innocent being in the center of it all, such as a little girl no more than 7 years old.

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